Adopt-A-Cop was initiated by Chaplain Sgt. Ken Rochell of Michigan State Police in 1998. Ken began this ministry to serve as a bridge between local churches and their local law enforcement agencies. Ken serves as a Michigan State Police Recruiter.
As a police officer, I know the importance of back up. Nothing is more comforting than hearing the sounds of a distant siren coming to help you regardless of the color of your uniform or the department you work for.
As a Christian officer, I also know the importance of prayer. I feel it has been the prayers of my family and friends that have kept me safe not only physically but emotionally. Those prayers have also given me a heart for the people I have sworn to protect and serve.
It is comforting to know that I have people who are praying for me and my family every day I go out on the road.
God Bless and many thanks,
Kenneth L. Rochell
Michigan State Police

Chaplain Michael D. Thrower
Adopt-A-Cop Nevada was started by Chaplain Michael D. Thrower on July 13, 2016. I started the Nevada chapter for the same reason that Ken Rochell did, “to serve as a bridge of communication between local churches and local law enforcement agencies.” I currently serve as a chaplain for the CCSD and BC Police Departments.
As an interfaith chaplain, I know that having a direct connection with God can change everything in our lives. So why not pray for the lives of those that put their life on the line for us. Imagine the powerful difference that we could make.
Changing laws and regulations is good but changing people through the power of prayer is even better. Prayer is giving our attention to God in a two-way spiritual relationship and fellowship bond that can never be broken. Change happens from the inside out, not vice versa.
I look forward to praying for and with you someday soon.​ May God Bless you and keep you all the days of your life.
Michael D. Thrower
Boulder City Police Department, Boulder City, NV Chaplain
Clark County School District Police Department, LV, NV Chaplain
7/26/1961 - 3/22/2023